Website Builders or Web Developers: Which is Right for Your Edmonton Business?

by Aaron Janes, Founder

 A man sitting in a cafe working on building his website on his laptopSo, it's a chilly Edmonton morning, and you're sipping your Tim Hortons double-double, scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, it hits you. 


Your website looks like it's stuck in the dial-up era. Ouch. Time for an upgrade, but where do you start?


If you're like most Edmonton entrepreneurs, you're probably wondering whether to roll up your sleeves and dive into a DIY website builder or call in the pros. 


Do you use a service like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, or whatever, or do you enlist the help of a web design agency to handle everything for you?


Here's the deal: both website builders and web developers have their place in the digital world. It's like choosing between cooking at home or eating out – sometimes you want the convenience of a quick meal, other times you're craving a chef's special. 


There's no right or wrong, but there is an option that's best for you, and today, we're going to find it through the info laid out in this guide.


We'll look at what's best for your budget, your tech skills (or lack thereof – no judgement here!), and your business goals. By the end, you'll have a clear picture of whether you should be clicking through templates or chatting with a web pro.


Let's go.

Understanding Website BuildersAn aesthetic shot of a WordPress website dashboard

What are website builders?

Remember those LEGO sets you played with as a kid? 


Website builders are kind of like that but for the internet. They're online platforms packed with pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop tools that let you piece together a website without knowing a lick of code.


Although many will allow you to add code if you want to take things a step further.


Popular options like Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress have been game-changers for many Edmonton businesses. 


Heck, my neighbour Sarah used one to set up a site for her dog-walking service last year. She went from "what'sWhat's HTML?" to have a snazzy online booking system in a single weekend.

The Upside of Going DIY

Now, why might you want to give these a whirl? Let's break it down:

  1. Budget-Friendly: If you're watching your loonies and toonies, website builders can be a wallet-friendly option. Most offer monthly plans that won't break the bank, perfect if you're just starting out or running a side hustle.
  2. User-Friendly: You don't need to be a tech whiz to use these tools. If you can use Facebook, you can probably figure out a website builder. They're designed with non-techies in mind.
  3. Quick to Launch: Got a brilliant idea at 2 AM? With a website builder, you could have a basic site up before breakfast. It's perfect for those "I need it yesterday" situations we often find ourselves in.

The Not-So-Rosy Side

But hold your horses – it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There are a few drawbacks to consider:

  1. Limited Customization: Remember that LEGO analogy? Well, you're limited to the blocks they give you. Want to add a unique feature for your Edmonton clientele? You might hit a wall when using a web development service like this,
  2. Cookie-Cutter Concerns: With everyone using the same templates, it can be tough to stand out. It's like showing up to a party and realizing three other people are wearing the same outfit from The Bay.
  3. The Hidden Time Sink: Sure, it's "easy," but easy doesn't always mean quick. Many Edmonton business owners I've chatted with spent weekends tweaking their sites, and they still haven't got the outcome they're looking for. Time is money, folks.
  4. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, there's still a learning curve. It's like trying to figure out the self-checkout at Superstore – simple in theory, but sometimes you just need to call for help, which can again be a huge sink for money and time.


So, are website builders right for your Edmonton business? 


They can be a great starting point, especially if you're dipping your toes into the online world. But keep in mind, as your business grows, you might find yourself outgrowing these tools faster than a teenager outgrows their hockey skates.

The Web Developer ApproachA web development team working on computers in the office

What does a web developer do?

Picture this: You're at the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market, and instead of grabbing a pre-made pie, you commission a local baker to create a custom dessert just for you. 


That's pretty much what working with a web developer is like.


Web developers are the digital craftspeople of our online world. They don't just pick a template and call it a day. Nope, these folks roll up their sleeves and build your website from the ground up, tailoring every pixel to your business needs.


You simply tell the devs what you want, and they build it to meet that. Not only do you get a great, finished, and working final product from the beginning, but you don't have to lift a finger.


No learning. No YouTube tutorials. No guesswork. No problems. 


You just run your business, doing what you do best, and the agency will get in touch, saying hey, your website is live; you're ready to go.


Then, you'll have a high-quality website ready and working for your business.

The Perks of Going Pro

So, why might you want to team up with a web developer? Let's break it down:

  1. Unique as a Snowflake: Your business isn't like anyone else's, so why should your website be? Developers create custom designs that capture your brand's personality. It's like having a suit tailored at Henry Singer instead of grabbing one off the rack. Whatever design you want, you can have that.
  2. Functionality Galore: Need a special feature for your Edmonton clientele? Maybe an interactive map of your food truck locations or a custom booking system for your spa? A developer can make it happen.
  3. SEO Savvy: These pros know how to make your site play nice with Google. They can optimize your site to show up when Edmontonians search for businesses like yours. It's like having a secret weapon in the online visibility game.
  4. Future-Proof: A good developer builds with growth in mind. Your site can evolve as your business does without needing a complete overhaul every couple of years.

The Potential Speed Bumps

Now, I wouldn't be honest if I didn't mention a few potential drawbacks:

  1. Upfront Costs: Let's not sugarcoat it – custom work comes with a higher price tag upfront. It's an investment, like buying quality winter tires for your car.
  2. Time to Launch: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a custom website. You're looking at weeks or even months of development time, depending on the complexity.
  3. Ongoing Relationship: Unlike a set-it-and-forget-it website builder, you'll likely need ongoing support from your developer. It's more of a partnership than a one-time deal.


Choosing a web developer can be a game-changer for many Edmonton businesses. It's about weighing the upfront costs against the long-term benefits. If you can afford the option to save a ton of time, effort, and investment in the long term, that'll probably be for the best.

Factors to Consider for Edmonton BusinessesA small cafe business working hard to provide a great service

Alright, it's decision time. But before you flip a loonie to choose between a website builder or a web developer, let's chat about some key factors you'll want to mull over. 


Grab a Duchess Bake Shop pastry (or two – I won't judge), and let's break it down.

Budget Constraints: More Than Just Dollars and Cents

First things first – let's talk money. 


There are two comparisons to make here: initial costs vs. long-term value.


Website builders might seem like a steal at first glance. For the cost of a few poutines a month, you've got yourself a website. Sounds great, right? But hold your horses. 


Custom development might cost more upfront, but it could save you a bundle down the road.


Here's an example: imagine we have someone called Mike, and he runs a boutique in the West Edmonton Mall.


He started with a DIY site but hired a developer a year later because his business outgrew the template. In hindsight, he wishes he'd gone custom from the get-go.


All that time he spent learning and building, all the money he spent on plugins, themes, templates, and NOT running his business, building products or customer relationships, is down the drain, gone into a website that doesn't work.


This is the hidden cost of DIY.


Again, and I want to make this clear. 


Those weekends you spend tinkering with your website? That's time you could be using to grow your business or, let's be real, enjoying a sunny day at Hawrelak Park. All while someone else could be doing the hard work for you.

Technical Expertise: Be Honest With Yourself

If you're tech-minded, you love the thrill of learning new things, and you want to know how to make websites, then absolutely go ahead and choose the website builder route. It's a lot of fun, it can create a lot of opportunities, and website design agencies will still be there if you ever need one.


However, if your comfort level with tech leaves a lot to be desired, you may want to avoid building your own site.


Be real with yourself here. Are you the type who can set up a smart home without breaking a sweat? Or do you still struggle with the self-checkout at Safeway? No judgement either way, but it's important to know where you stand.

Time for Website Management 

Running a business in Edmonton keeps you busy enough. Do you really have time to learn the ins and outs of website management? It's like learning to play hockey as an adult – doable, but it takes time and patience.


And while we're on the subject of time, think about your short vs long-term strategy.


Where do you see your business in five years? If you're planning to expand faster than West Ed did in the '80s, you might want a website that can keep up.


This means you need a website that'll scale with your business without a second thought.


Will your website need to handle online booking? E-commerce? Customer accounts? These are all things to consider. You don't want to outgrow your website faster than you outgrow your first office space.


This leads to a poor customer experience and it won't do well for your reputation. 


How to Make the Right Choice for Your BusinessTwo female business leaders sit at a laptop

Okay, coming around for the home stretch now - you've got all the info, but you might still be scratching your head, wondering which way to go. Well, it's wrap it all up with how to know which option is the best fit for you.

When to Choose a Website Builder

You might want to go the DIY route if:

  1. You're Just Starting Out: If you're a brand new business, maybe a home-based startup in Mill Woods or a food truck hitting up Whyte Ave, a website builder could be perfect. It's like renting your first apartment – it gets you in the game without a massive commitment.
  2. You're on a Shoestring Budget: Let's face it, when you're counting every loonie, a low-cost website builder can be a lifesaver. It's the online equivalent of furnishing your first place with IKEA – it does the job without breaking the bank.
  3. You Need Something ASAP: Got a brilliant idea at midnight and want to launch by morning? A website builder is your best bet. It's perfect for those "I should have done this yesterday" moments we all have. There's no need to go through anyone but yourself.
  4. Your Needs are Simple: If you just need a basic online presence – think of a simple site for your dog walking service or yoga classes – a website builder could be all you need.


When you need something fast and sharp, a simple site using a builder could be all you need. A great option for getting your head in the game for figuring out what you want long-term, or if you don't need anything too complicated and simple features will do!

When to Hire a Web Developer

On the flip side, you might want to call in the pros if:

  1. You're Established and Growing: If your business is taking off faster than a Zamboni between periods at Rogers Place, a custom site might be the way to go. It's an investment in your future growth.
  2. You Need Unique Features: Got an idea as unique as the Talus Dome? (Love it or hate it, you can't deny it's one-of-a-kind!) If you need special functionality you can't find in a template, it's time to talk to a developer.
  3. Branding is Crucial: If standing out in the Edmonton market is key for your business, a custom-designed site can help you shine brighter than the lights on the High-Level Bridge.
  4. You're in a Competitive Field: In industries where everyone's fighting for attention (I'm looking at you, Edmonton restaurants, and real estate agents), a professional site can give you the edge.


A custom site is your own, and there's nothing else like it. If your business is Cinderella, a custom website is the glass slipper. With all the features you could want or need, it may be pricier, but it'll certainly serve you well for years to come, especially when backed by ample support and upgrades.


Custom websites are truly built for the web in the best possible way.

The Bottom Line

Choosing between a website builder and a web developer isn't a one-size-fits-all decision. It's more like picking the right winter coat – what works for one Edmontonian might not work for another.


Think about where your business is now and where you want it to be. Consider your budget, your time, and your goals. And remember, there's no rule saying you can't start with a website builder and graduate to a custom site as you grow. 

Many Edmonton businesses have taken that path and found success.

And if you want our recommendation, you'll want to hit up our team over at Ignite Web Design.


Aaron and the team are pros when creating a website that stands out from the crowd and works as hard as you do for your business.


I mean, why settle for a template when you can have a tailor-made digital storefront that truly represents your Edmonton spirit?


Give us a shout at Ignite Web Design. We'll grab a coffee (or a craft beer) and chat about turning your online dreams into reality. Let's create a website with that'll your competitors saying, "How'd they do that, eh?"


Visit Ignite Web Design and drop us an email about your website ideas. Your Edmonton business deserves more than just a website – it deserves an experience. 


Let's ignite your success together!

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