Web Page Design on a Dime: Essential Tips for Edmonton Startups

by Aaron Janes, Founder

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A startup team sit in a beautiful, aesthetic office discussing the plans for the future of their websiteLaunching a startup in Edmonton?


Amazing. The energy. The innovation. The beginning of a new chapter. It's beautiful stuff, and I'm sure you're absorbed in the process of building, growing, and immersing yourself in all the opportunities that await.


It's a great place to be, but we'd be kidding ourselves if we thought it was a simple ride ahead. There's a ton to think about, from your products and services, branding and marketing, and, oh man, the website.


Building a killer website that truly and accurately represents your website can be tough. It's time-consuming, and you could spend hours, if not days or even weeks, fiddling around with Squarespace blocks and WordPress themes and still not feel happy with the final outcome.


It's a time and financial investment that becomes quite costly and fast.


So, to tighten the reins and solve this problem, giving you more time and other resources to focus on growing other areas of your startup while making sure your site is fit for purpose, I'm going to share some insider secrets to help you build a website that not only looks amazing but also attracts customers and drives growth – all without emptying your bank account. 


Let's dive in.

Before you build, know your why (and who!)

Lots of people queuing and standing on the street of all types and generations

So, you're pumped to build a website. Awesome.


But before you dive headfirst into choosing colours and fonts (the fun stuff, I know!), we need to take a step back and ask some important questions, the answers of which will dictate what and how you build the site.


To create something truly effective, you need to understand its purpose and who you're trying to reach. Some questions to consider:

What's your website's mission?


First things first, let's define your website's goals. What do you want to achieve with it? Are you hoping to:

  • Generate leads? (Get those contact forms filled out!)
  • Sell products online? (Cha-ching!)
  • Build brand awareness? (Become the talk of the town!)
  • Provide customer support? (Be the hero your customers need!)


Maybe it's a combination of these. Whatever your goals, having them clearly defined will guide your design and content choices.

Who are you talking to?


Next, let's talk about your target audience. 


Who are you trying to reach with your website? Are they tech-savvy millennials or busy professionals? Students or retirees?


Understanding your audience is key.


It helps you tailor your website's design, content, and even its tone of voice to resonate with them. 


For example, if you're targeting young adults, you might opt for a bolder, more vibrant design. If you're targeting a more mature audience, you might choose a more classic and refined look.


How To Find Your Target Audience in 6 Questions

Content is king (and queen!)


Finally, consider what type of content will best serve your audience and help you achieve your goals. Will you need:

  • A blog? (Share your expertise and attract visitors!)
  • Product pages? (Showcase your amazing offerings!)
  • A gallery? (Let your visuals do the talking!)
  • Videos? (Engage and entertain!)


By carefully planning your content strategy, you'll ensure your website is not only visually appealing but also informative and engaging.

Consider how you're building your website

A man sits in his office building his website with code

Remember when building a website meant wrestling with code or remortgaging your house to hire a developer? Thankfully, those days are gone. Website builders are the ultimate DIY tool for startups on a budget.

Think drag-and-drop ease, pre-designed templates, and user-friendly interfaces. Even with zero coding skills, you can whip up a professional-looking website faster than you can say "responsive design."

But here's the catch: Website builders can be a time suck. 

Sure, they're easy to use, but customizing templates, tweaking layouts, and troubleshooting glitches can eat away hours (and your sanity!). If you're not design-savvy, you might end up with a website that looks like it was built by a committee... of squirrels.

Outsourcing - Invest in your success (and your sanity!)

Okay, so maybe hiring a web design company sounds like a splurge. But hold on a minute! Let's do some quick math. If you spend 50+ hours building your website, and your time is worth, say, $50 an hour, that's over $2500 down the drain. 

Suddenly, outsourcing seems a lot more reasonable, right?

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • Expertise: You get a website designed by pros who know their stuff.
  • Efficiency: No more late nights battling with code or design elements.
  • Focus: You can spend your time on what you do best – running your business!

For startups, outsourcing is often the smartest move. You get a top-notch website without the headaches, freeing you up to focus on launching your product, wooing investors, and basically taking over the world.

Bottom line: Website builders are great for getting started, but if you want a truly professional online presence (and want to keep your hair), outsourcing is the way to go.

How to create a user-friendly experience with a design that wows

A workspace filled with papers and UX design ideas for a website and app

User experience (UX) is massive for the success of your website. 


It's the process of making the site easy to navigate, understand, and use. Happy visitors are more likely to become loyal customers, right?


And, at the end of the day, this really matters when you're a startup. You could have customers coming to check you out, as well as investors, members of the press, and so many more. 


You need to make a good impression, and if you don't, then you could be dooming your startup in more ways than one.


Here are a few design principles to keep in mind:

Keep it simple, superstar

When it comes to web design, less is often more. A clean, uncluttered layout with clear headings, concise text, and plenty of white space is key. Think of your website as a storefront – you want it to be inviting and easy to navigate, not overwhelming and chaotic.


Mobile-first is a must


Did you know that just under 60% of website traffic now comes from mobile devices? That's a HUGE chunk of potential customers! So, making sure your website is mobile-friendly is no longer optional – it's essential. 


Choose a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, no matter what device they're using.

Let your personality shine through branding


Your website reflects your brand, so make sure it's consistent with your overall brand identity. 


Use your brand colours, fonts, and logo throughout your website to create a cohesive and professional look. This helps build brand recognition and trust with your audience.

Use clear calls to action


What do you want visitors to do on your website? Make it crystal clear with strong calls to action (CTAs). Whether it's "Shop Now," "Contact Us," or "Learn More," use clear and concise language to guide visitors toward your desired actions. 


Think of CTAs as signposts directing your visitors down the right path.

How to make the most of content on your website

A female business owner sits down to write content for her website

Here's the thing: a stunning website design can only take you so far. Without compelling content, your visitors might bounce faster than a hockey puck on ice. So, let's explore some strategies to make your content truly shine:

Use visuals that pop


A picture speaks a thousand words, so high-quality images and videos are non-negotiable. 


When you're starting out, sure, use stock photos or take your own, but over time, you absolutely want to look into getting professional photos sorted. Especially for your own products.


If you're using stock, use professional stock websites only, like Unsplash and Pexels. If you want to invest a little more, Adobe Stock or Shutterstock are great places to find images that resonate with your brand and capture your audience's attention. 


However, get professional as you grow so your content is unique and absolutely matches the branding of your company. A professional photographer will help make this easy.


Oh, and don't forget the power of video! Even short, simple videos can significantly boost engagement and convey your message more effectively.

Use words that connect


Your website copy – the written words – should be clear, concise, and engaging. Your blog posts, too. Basically, any wording on your website needs to follow this rule.


As a rule of thumb,  avoid jargon and technical terms that might confuse your audience. Instead, use a conversational tone, just like we're doing right now, and write as if you're talking to a friend.


Remember to highlight the benefits of your products or services and use persuasive language to encourage visitors to take action. Think of your website copy as your sales pitch – make it count!

Don't forget about SEO


Ever heard the saying, "Build it, and they will come"? Well, in the online world, it's more like, "Build it, optimize it, and THEN they will come." 


Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about making your website visible in search results.


While SEO is a vast topic, here are a few basic tips:

  • Keyword research: Identify the words and phrases your target audience is using to search for businesses like yours.
  • Meta descriptions: Write concise and compelling summaries of your web pages that appear in search results.
  • Header tags: Use headings (H1, H2, etc.) and other page tags to structure your content and make it easier for search engines to understand.


We wrote a full checklist for making sure your website is ready for SEO, which you can find here.


By incorporating these SEO basics, you'll increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more organic traffic to your website.

Wrapping up

If you follow these rules and ideas, you should have a pretty good web page design foundation on which the website for your startup stands strong and serves you.

Of course, we could go much deeper and be here all day, but with the basics mastered and the fundamentals down, you'll have enough to get your startup moving forward.

Ready to transform your vision into reality? 

Ignite Web Design Edmonton is here to fuel your fire. We're an experienced web page design team that aims to take care of everything website-related, providing you with a polished, professional, and optimized design that serves you and your business.

That gives you the best results while focusing all the time in the world on perfecting the other areas of your business.

Contact us for a free consultation today, and let's get your show on the road.

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