7 Signs Your Small Business Needs a Website Redesign (and How to Do it Right)

by Aaron Janes, Founder

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A desktop setup with a website and a laptop showing website statistics and analyticsFeeling like your website isn't up to scratch?

Perhaps the site you built to get your business off the ground is no longer serving you, or something just doesn't feel right. If you imagine potential customers clicking through and seeing your pages, does it fill you with confidence that they'll want to buy for you?

Maybe you keep spending hours tinkering around with the pages, trying to add new features and get the lines and colours right, but you can't just get it to click.

If any of this resonates with you, then the chances are you're in need of a full website redesign. But how can you be sure? After all, it's a costly and time-consuming investment, so how do you know when it's time to pull the trigger and go for it?

With this in mind, today we're diving into the most important and most glaring signs that your website absolutely needs a redesign.

Let's go.

Sign #1 - Your website is a blast from the past

A screenshot of the “Welcome to Netscape” dated website

Imagine you walk into a restaurant, and the decor is straight out of the 70s – shag carpet, wood paneling, maybe even a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The kind of thing you see on Kitchen Nightmares.

Would you be excited to eat there? Probably not. 

You'd probably wonder if the food is as outdated as the decor.

This same mindset applies to your website.

If it's rocking a look that's more "ancient history" than "modern marvel," it's time for a serious refresh. 

Think about it: are you still using those cheesy Flash animations? If you are, by the way, then your website is getting seriously penalised in the search rankings.

Is your layout cluttered and confusing? Are your fonts so tiny they require a magnifying glass?

I'm not kidding; I once visited a website where the main navigation was hidden behind a tiny, blinking "Menu" button. It took me a solid minute to even figure out how to find their contact information. 

Most people won't bother hanging around to find it. They'll just go to another website that makes it easy.

Here's the thing: an outdated website screams, "we don't care!" It tells visitors that you're not invested in your online presence, which makes them question if you're invested in your business at all. 

And in a world where 75% of consumers admit to judging a company's credibility based on the company's website design, that's a risk you can't afford to take.

Sign #2: Visitors are bouncing faster than a... (you get the idea)

A wooden desk with a laptop, a notebook and pen, and a smartphone aesthetically positioned around

Bounce rate is a super-important metric that tells whether people like what your website offers. 

A bounce rate is defined as someone who comes onto your website and then "bounces" back off. This means they haven't clicked on a link, visited another page, bought something, or filled out a form. All this kind of thing.

Now, a high bounce rate isn't always bad.

For example, the average bounce rate for a blog (like this page) is between 60% and a staggering 90%. That's because people come, find the answer they want, and close their phones and go on with their day.

That's normal behaviour.

However, if your product pages have a high bounce rate, this means people are coming and seeing your products, but they aren't interested enough to buy, and that's not good for your business.

So, you need to make it better, and this may involve redesigning your website, or at least the pages that have a high bounce rate.

To start with, there are a few usual suspects when it comes to why visitors might be bouncing:

  • Your website takes forever to load. In our age of instant gratification, nobody's got time to wait around for a slowpoke website.
  • Your navigation is a maze. If visitors can't find what they're looking for quickly and easily, they'll head for the hills.
  • Your content is confusing or irrelevant. If your website copy is a snoozefest or doesn't provide any value, Sayonara!

So, how do you keep those visitors hooked? Here are a few quick tips:

  • Speed things up: Optimise those images, ditch unnecessary plugins, and make sure your website is lightning-fast.
  • Make navigation a breeze: Think clear menus, intuitive categories, and a search bar that actually works.
  • Create killer content: Write engaging copy, use visuals to break up the text, and make sure your content is relevant to your target audience.

Remember, a low bounce rate means people are sticking around, which gives them more time to fall in love with your business.

Sign #3 - Crickets chirping where your leads should be

Make More Money With These CTAs (Call-to-Action Masterclass)

At the end of the day, your website has one very important job: to bring in those leads and drive sales. If your site isn't doing that, then Houston, we have a problem.

It's actually that simple.

When you have a well-designed website, it knows how to grab attention, build trust, and smoothly guide visitors toward taking action. 

This means having clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs). Instead of a boring "Submit" button, try something like "Get My Free Quote!" or "Download Now." 

Make it exciting, make it enticing, make it impossible to resist.

And don't forget about those lead generation forms. 

Make them short, sweet, and easy to fill out. Nobody wants to spend 10 minutes entering their life story just to download a simple ebook.

I remember working with a client who had a website that was beautiful, but it wasn't generating any leads. Why? 

Because their CTA buttons were hidden at the bottom of the page, and their contact form was buried in a hard-to-find location. We made a few simple tweaks – moved those CTAs front and centre, simplified the contact form – and boom. Leads started pouring in.

So, if your website is more "ghost town" than "grand central station," it's time to give it a redesign focused on conversions. Make it easy for visitors to take the next step.

Sign 4: Mobile users are getting a thumbs-down experience

A screenshot of a really poorly optimised mobile website

By now, most websites should be mobile-responsive

This means you can go onto your phone, load up your website, and navigate it with everything fitting nicely in the frame, all the buttons nicely laid out, and at no point should you be pinching and zooming to see what specific pieces of content are - all while everything loads rapidly (I'm talking under 2-3 seconds).

If you're not there yet, then yes, you absolutely need to redesign your website to make it as mobile-friendly as possible. After all, over 58% of all internet traffic in 2023 came through a mobile device, so the chances are people are coming to your site through those devices.

There's no question this needs to happen. Google wants it. Your customers want it.

However, if you think your website is mobile-responsive, is there room for improvement?

This means your website automatically adjusts to fit any screen size, whether it's a giant desktop monitor or a tiny smartphone. The text is easy to read, the images are displayed correctly, and the navigation is a breeze.

Don't let your website be the one that sends mobile users running for the hills. Make it responsive, make it user-friendly, and make it a joy to browse on any device.

Sign 5: Your website is an SEO ghost town

You've probably heard of SEO or Search Engine Optimization, so I won't teach you how to lick eggs.

This is simply a reminder that you need to invest time in your SEO over time, continuously coming back, ensuring everything fits the latest updates, fixing any errors, updating keywords, and meeting the expectations of your customers and the search engines.

However, if you find your website is riddled with errors (including slow speeds, not being mobile responsive, lack of keywords, poor design and accessibility, and so on), then you may want to think about redesigning the website and building it from the ground up.

So, how do you boost your website's SEO? Here are a few quick tips:

  • Use relevant keywords throughout your website copy. But don't overdo it! "Keyword stuffing" is a big no-no.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. (Remember our chat about that?) Google loves websites that are accessible to everyone.
  • Build high-quality backlinks to your website. This means getting other websites to link to yours, which shows Google that your site is credible and trustworthy.

Sign 6: Your website is stuck in a time warp

An old looking desktop computer with a large monitor and floppy disk drive

Even with amazing SEO, your website can still fall behind if your content is old news. Would you trust a website with outdated information? Probably not. 

Neither do the search engines.

Google has stated in its updates over the last two years that fresh, relevant, well-refreshed, and updated content is the top priority. They want to serve their users (and, in turn, your users) the best, highest-quality content that provides the best answers in the highest possible quality.

They also want to promote websites that prove that they're up-to-date and are being worked on.

Therefore, you need to be producing such content.

As a rule of thumb, it's better to have ten stellar blog posts that really showcase the value you have to offer than 100 mediocre posts. Or, forbid, AI-generated garbage. There's a few faster ways to get your website blacklisted.

Think of your website as a living, breathing thing. It needs to be nurtured and updated regularly to stay healthy and thriving. Outdated content is like stale bread – nobody wants it.

So, how do you keep your website from becoming a digital dinosaur? Here are a few ideas:

  • Blog regularly. Share your expertise, provide valuable insights, and keep your audience coming back for more.
  • Update your product information. Make sure your offerings are current and accurate.
  • Add new pages and resources. Keep your website dynamic and growing.
  • Refresh your design. Even small tweaks can make a big difference.

And that last one matters. If the design isn't up to date or highlighting the value of your content, then it may be time for a redesign. This includes web pages, product pages, blog posts, and everything in between.

Sign 7: Your brand is MIA on your website

Turning a Brand Identity Into a Custom Website

And finally, let's talk about your brand.

Not just your logo and your colours, but the whole shebang – your personality, your values, your unique essence. Your website should be a digital embodiment of your brand, a place where visitors can instantly connect with who you are and what you stand for.

So, what's your brand and style, and does your website reflect this?

Is your brand playful and quirky? Then your website should be too. Are you all about professionalism and sophistication? Your website should reflect that.

I once worked with a client who had a fantastic brand – they were all about sustainability and eco-consciousness. But their website? 

It was a generic, cookie-cutter template that didn't convey any of their values. We redesigned their website with earthy tones, natural imagery, and a focus on their eco-friendly practices. 

The result? Their website became a true reflection of their brand, and their customers loved it!

So, how do you make sure your brand is shining through on your website? Here are a few things to consider:

  • Colour scheme: Are you using your brand colours consistently?
  • Imagery: Do your images reflect your brand's personality and values?
  • Tone of voice: Does your website copy sound like your brand?
  • Messaging: Are you clearly communicating your brand's mission and message?

Your website is your chance to make a statement, to tell your brand story in a way that's engaging and memorable. Don't miss out on this opportunity. Make sure your website is a true reflection of your brand, and allow your customers to connect with you on a deeper level.

Website redesign: Your step-by-step guide

Okay, so you've seen the signs, and you're ready to give your website the glow-up it deserves. But where do you even begin? Don't worry; let's talk about it while making it nice and easy. 


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the website redesign process:

Define your goals

First things first, get crystal clear on what you want to achieve with your new website. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Generate more leads? Boost sales? Having clear goals will guide your decisions throughout the entire process.

Conduct a website audit

Time to put on your detective hat and take a good hard look at your current website. What's working? What's not? Analyze your website traffic, identify your top-performing pages, and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Research your target audience

Who are you trying to reach with your website? What are their needs and preferences? Understanding your target audience will help you create a website that resonates with them and meets their expectations.

Plan your website structure and content

Think of this as creating a blueprint for your new website. Map out your pages, create a sitemap, and decide what content you want to include. Remember, user experience is key! Make sure your website is easy to navigate and find what they're looking for.

Choose the right platform and tools

There are tons of website platforms and tools out there. Choose ones that align with your needs and budget. Whether you go with WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, or something else entirely, make sure it's user-friendly and gives you the flexibility you need.

Design and develop your website

Now for the fun part! Bring your vision to life with a stunning design that captures your brand and engages your audience. This is where you'll choose your colours, fonts, images, and layout. If design isn't your forte, consider hiring a professional web designer to help you out.

Test and launch your new website

Before you let loose your new website on the world, make sure you test it thoroughly. Check for broken links, typos, and any functionality issues. Get feedback from others to ensure it's user-friendly and meets your goals.

Promote your redesigned website

Woohoo! Your new website is live! Now, it's time to spread the word. Share it on social media, send out an email blast, and consider running some online ads to drive traffic to your site.


Redesigning your website can seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a rewarding experience. And remember, I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way!

Wrapping Up

With all this in mind, you should feel safe in the knowledge that you're now armed with the knowledge and the tools to transform your website from a digital dud into a dynamic, lead-generating machine. 

However, if you're feeling overwhelmed or not sure where to start, that's where Ignite Web Design comes in.

We're passionate about helping businesses like yours create websites that sizzle with personality and drive serious results.

Ready to ignite your online presence? 

Head over to Ignite Web Design today for a free consultation. We'll help you craft a website that not only looks amazing but also works hard to attract customers and grow your business.

Don't wait another minute. Let's get started making your website the best it can be.

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